Sports and Wellness
AWA: The life changing meditation in the water
Marina Borruso - 22/12/2017

Awa stands for awareness through water and it’s a truly unique meditation experience.To meditate is to get in touch with ourself. It is a journey that begins with us, and, thanks to peace within ourselves, moves towards a sense of profound union with the oneness of all things.

In this process we become aware of inner entities, that is to say, thoughts and emotions, beliefs and principles, repetitive patterns of behaviour and often their origin. We become aware of those forms and then can see their shallowness and futility.

Meditation shows them as old clothes that covered the dignity, intelligence and freedom of our being, clothes that have now lost their meaning.

When meditating in the water, all this occurs just as smoothly as the surface of the water itself.

It is through the body and its spontaneous movements. Water has the power to record the memories of everything that is submerged. It also achieves this with us and this is how we see our memories. Being in a state of meditation, then in a state of aspiration for freedom of our being, it is easy to become aware and let go of all that imprisons us. We are no longer burdened by possession. In this way, free from the past, we can walk towards life, in a new, light and creative way. It is in this way that our life changes.

This is the beginning of the miracle, in which each memory is let go and is regenerated. Water has always been the site for miracles for humanity.

That's why looking at people meditating in the water is amazing and deeply moving. Because you can see a pristine truth emerge from a human being, true, honest and innocent as the dawn of life. You can see the cultural shroud dissolve in the water and free up the soul. You see how the joy of life is just waiting to welcome us.

AWA, meditating in the water offers deep regeneration and purification, not only for humans but also for the planet.

Water runs throughout this planet, keeping everything alive, constantly flowing in and out of our body as well as to all living things. The earth knows all life at its roots because it takes memories, which then lets go when it changes state, when it evaporates in heaven before falling again, purely, on the ground.


Today water is severely sick, as is the human race and the planet as a whole. Meditating in the water is the highest form of healing of humans and at the same time to heals the water and the Earth. The waters in which we meditate, as Masaru Emoto showed us, vibrate with a vitality that the aspiration for transformation of the human being has generated, and that water will flow to create a circle on the planet and so carry the memory of regeneration, anywhere.

AWA was born from the inspiration of Marina Borruso, an independent researcher who has developed a system of practices that generate inner states of freedom and awareness, and has evolved through the practice of hundreds of spiritual seekers from different countries. Those who have also contributed to the evolution of AWA: Carlo Baiesi, Marianna Bashkirova, Alessandra Benetatos, Anna Bulzoni, Rita Casadio, Franca Costan, Caterina Frey, Paolo Glessi, Giovanni Licandro, Tiziana Marrocchesi, Pierluigi Monaco, Graziella Mottes, Simona Napolitani, Lisa Pasquinucci, Marzio Porro, Lisa Romanova, Roberta Saccomani, Federica Tardito, Patrizia Tonani, Philippe Tripodi.

AWA is a service to humanity, to water and to the planet.

To experience this meditation and see the list of teachers and the places where you can go, please visit:

Marina Borruso
I teach how to live the present, how to meet yourselves and reveal to the world. I teach how to leave the past behind and make peace with emotions and thoughts, other than to manage your relationship with money, sexuality, food and the others. I offer individual conversations, individual or group online interactive meetings, brief teaching and retirements, and trainings as a teacher of the presence.