Sports and Wellness
The Fitness World in the SPA
Many news for Personal Training.

Fitness experts are always looking for new ways to train, keep in shape and if possible have fun while at it. New specialities are constantly being invented because of the constant need for movement, burning of calories and fitness. The market obviously moulds itself around these trends and different courses start sprucing up everywhere, for this reason it would be wise to choose a gym that's not just jumping on a trend's bandwagon to make money, but one that actually cares about its patrons well-being. Gyms located within wellness centres, Spas or Thermal Centres or any other structure that is accompanied by medical assistance can be a guarantee to respect the individual client, allowing for sporting activity to answer to a client's needs with no consequences for the health.
These are a few new trends in the Fitness World:

CY-YO: This training exercise combines Cycling and Yoga, usually lasts an hour and is composed by 40 minutes of pedalling on an exercise bike with 10 minutes of yoga before and after.

ZUMBA: This is a discipline that is on the constant rise. Invented by a Colombian dancer, it combines gymnastics with dance, mainly to the rhythm of Latin American music. Nowadays there are plenty of different kinds for instance Aqua-Zumba is practised in water while Zumba Sentao is done around a chair, which in all effects becomes part of the training apparatus.

BOKWA:  This focuses on cardiovascular training. Here participants should move as freely as possible following the rhythm of exotic and dance music drawing with their feet imaginary numbers or letters on the ground. The instructor intervenes to indicate the sequence of the numbers and letters that must be drawn on the ground and to give an example of the correct movements. This kind of training is invigorating and helps burn calories.

PILOXING: this exciting new technique is the brainchild of a Swedish Trainer who decided to fuse Pilates, Boxing and Dancing. This is a very intense kind of training that burns the maximum amount of calories, and weighed boxing gloves are used.

YOGAFIT: This technique unites traditional Yoga's Asana with many other activities aimed at the tonifying and training muscles.

TRX: This Training Suspension system is a new training that focuses on muscular resistance thanks to hanging elastic ropes that allow the user to lift his/her own bodyweight and use many different muscular combinations.

POLE DANCE: This technique requires a pole in order to work and is a mixture between dancing and gymnastics.

What are the main requests for those that are involved in a sporting activity?
First and foremost, the professionalism of those in charge, followed by the request for training that will develop muscular strength, followed by activities for the elderly, weight-loss, children programs, activities that are specific to the torso area, a personal trainer, zumba, pilates and ways to improve balance and stamina.