Absolutely yes! But as is the case with most things, only if done right. How many people have, at least once, completed a wellness treatment without gaining that feeling of physical and mental regeneration that one expects to obtain from a spa? Probably many. And it is completely normal. Why? Because we may have made a mistake in choosing the products most suited to our wellness goals or we may have used these products for either too much or too little time or, furthermore, we may have “strolled” through the various areas of the spa in an inattentive or disorderly way.
A spa that works is like a tasty, well-made dish: the right ingredients, the right doses and the right timing.
But there is nothing to worry about: in order to really savor the flavor and benefits of a spa, you must simply begin with this: HEAT – WATER – REST. This is the mantra of the world of wellness. The three fundamental principles of wellness in the right order: a sort of magic formula. Only through the proper use and in the right order of heat (dry, like that of a sauna or humid, like that of Turkish bath), water (cold reaction) and rest will we, in fact, be able to open the doors to our wellness, start having fun, personalizing the effects that we wish to obtain.
To help you with your treatment, Starpool provides you with the sp.a_system method in all of their spas: an interactive and fun project which guides you in the correct (and personalized) use of the spa. You will no longer feel exhausted after a steam bath or excessively relaxed after a sauna, you will no longer be afraid of the cold of the icefalls or to spend three quarters of your time lying down in the relaxation area. The spa will become truly fun, stimulating and, above all, beneficial: a gift to give to yourself, which will know how to keep the promise of regeneration of body and mind.