Sports and Wellness
We asked Michele Castello, SPA consulting, to explain this method of relaxation and regeneration from everyday stress.
Elisabetta Farneti - 28/02/2019

The concept of floating cabin, or isolation booth was discovered by the American physiologist Jhon C. Lilly, who in 1954 conducted research on the effects of sensory deprivation. It was he who built the first tank, and used it to observe the connection between the conscious and the brain.


Floating Therapy, floating on water, sensory deprivation ... whatever you call it is simply one of the most incredible and natural ways to increase relaxation and well-being! All this thanks to the stay, for about an hour, in a spacious cabin filled with 25 cm of super saturated solution of magnesium salts (Epsom salts), creating conditions similar to those of the Dead Sea. This allows the body to float effortlessly on the surface of the water. In addition, the solution is heated to body temperature for a sensation that can be traced back to that of the mother's womb. In this way one has the impression of floating, as in the absence of gravity. After a first moment, when you get used to the feeling with the help of music and lights, you then move on to the darkness and absolute silence. The sum of all these factors creates the condition called "sensory deprivation".


Thanks to sensory isolation, a condition called "sensory deprivation", the mind also frees itself, the brain releases enormous quantities of endorphins (hormones of happiness), and the body begins to regenerate itself. In such circumstances, the brain begins to struggle for balance and harmony in both hemispheres - reduces the activity of the left (logical) and increases the activity of the right (emotional). If we take into account the fact that we normally only use a small part of the total power of our brain, we can see that the floating session allows us to draw on the enormous latent possibilities and therefore the sources of creativity, imagination, visualization and problems. solving in a way previously not possible. The theoretical assumption, conceived by dr. John Lilly in the 50s, is that the brain engages almost 85% of its potential to handle external stimuli such as gravity, temperature, touch, light, sound. Thanks to the buoyancy, the mind freed from all external distractions can reach deep levels of relaxation and meditation, a state of PURE sensory relaxation, reachable only after hours of meditation and years of training.

Relax - Floating creates total relaxation, eliminates fatigue and Jet-Lag. Improves sleep and relieves physical and mental stress.

Stimulates - Floating stimulates the left and right side of the brain, lowering brain waves to Alpha, Theta and Delta. This creates mental clarity, increases creativity and problem-solving.

Reinforce - Floating reinforces motivation, reduces depression, anxiety and fear.

Calm - Floating reduces blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption. Improves circulation and distribution of nutrients

Improve - Floating decreases the production of lactic acid, cortisol and adrenaline. Increases endorphin production by speeding up physical recovery. It reduces muscle pain and improves the immune system

Raises - Floating increases visualization, meditation as it intensifies the senses. It also speeds up learning and improves sports performance.


Floating cabins are generally used in facilities such as hotels, spas and wellness centers. Easy to set up, they require limited space and significantly enrich the level of customer services. "Floating SPA" has developed a cabin that ensures maximum hygiene and comfort, equipped with a system for the replacement and sanitation of water for each seat, disinfection of the tank, filtering, tank for the preparation of the solution and touch screen that allows customers adjust your own floating session. The cab lid can be easily opened and kept lifted in any position, putting those in the tank at ease. Lights that allow the creation of a colorful atmosphere, the underwater speaker that uses the water itself as a membrane and produces an enveloping sound, allow you to reach a state of total relaxation, increasing awareness of ourselves. The computerized system allows you to connect mp3 players and choose music to your liking.


Even medical science begins to use the floating technique more frequently to support the treatment of certain diseases related to circulation and breathing problems. Floating is proven to help alleviate learning and concentration difficulties, stress, insomnia and depression problems.


Floating has also become popular within multinational companies: floating rooms and cabins are built within companies, so that employees can regenerate during the lunch break, before important meetings, to recover jet lag or to increase physical and mental performance in the workplace.

Elisabetta Farneti